The goal of the analysis task is to get acquainted with the user interface for conducting confidentiality analyses.



You completely specified the characteristics of nodes and data in the previous task. In addition, assume that you created the query for checking the compliance of the architecture with the RBAC policy and that you wrote it into the file travelPlanner.DCPDSL. Only the run configuration to execute the analysis is still missing. Therefore, you have to create it.

Side note: In the meantime, the domain expert adjusted the usage model without consulting you. We will check if this change violates the policy by running the analysis.

Task Instructions

Your task is to create and run a run configuration. Create a new run configuration (ignore existing ones) and refer to the requested models and files from the TravelPlanner_04_ModeledRBACWithIssue project. As a result file, define the file result.txt in the TravelPlanner_04_ModeledRBACWithIssue project. The required inputs for the run configuration are visualized in the table below.

Input Value
Usage Model /TravelPlanner_04_ModeledRBACWithIssue/travelPlanner.usagemodel
Allocation Model /TravelPlanner_04_ModeledRBACWithIssue/travelPlanner.allocation
Analysis Definition /TravelPlanner_04_ModeledRBACWithIssue/travelPlanner.DCPDSL
Result File /TravelPlanner_04_ModeledRBACWithIssue/result.txt

Afterwards, run the created analysis. Inspect the result file and try to understand the found violation.

The project TravelPlanner_05_RBACAnalysis contains a fixed version of the model. You can run the corresponding analysis by running the run configuration TravelPlanner_RBAC. Have a look at the produced result.

Expected Results

The result file result.txt should be created in the TravelPlanner_04_ModeledRBACWithIssue project. It should report a violation when sending the credit card data to the flight booking service of the Airline. This is a problem because the declassification step is missing from the usage scenario of the user.

You can compare the output with the result of the run configuration TravelPlanner_RBACWithIssue that creates a file result.txt in the project TravelPlanner_06_RBACAnalysisWithIssue. The results should be the same.

In contrast, the results in the correctly modeled project TravelPlanner_05_RBACAnalysis should not indicate a violation.