Developer Information for the Scenario Analysis

Introduction EMF

For new developers, we recommend to work through EMF tutorials. One good candidate are the tutorials from Vogella

Scenario Analysis Workflow

The workflow of the analysis is defined in the bundle org.palladiosimulator.pcm.confidentiality.context.analysis.execution and the class ScenarioAnalysisWorkflow. It consists first of loading the different models. Then the analysis is performed. The last step is to save the results.

The analysis execution job (ScenarioAnalysisJob), also initializes the PDP and transforms the context files to an XACML file (see XACML). It is important, that both the generation of the XACML file and the initialisation of the PDP is done before the actual propagation is triggered. Otherwise, an exception might occur.

Scenario Analysis

The main bundle for the scenario analysis is org.palladiosimulator.pcm.confidentiality.context.scenarioanalysis.provider. Here, the entry point for the analysis is ScenarioAnalysisSystemImpl. The starting point is the runScenarioAnalysis methods. It iterates over each usage scenario and the contained EntryLevelSystemCalls. For each scenario it checks whether it is a misusage scenario or not. Then it follows the call from an EntryLevelSystemCall over the ExternalCalls. Each call is checked against the PDP. The results of a query is stored in ResultEMFModelStorage The propagation between the services is implemented in SystemWalker. The behavior is mainly straight forward. It identifies the next service name and then finds it by using the Assembly with the AssemblyConnectors. In case, for that for an AssemblyConnector a AttrbuteProvider exists, the analysis replaces the attribute context.