Maintenance Scenario (Running Example)

Background Setting

This scenario is settled in an Industry 4.0 environment based on a previous publication [1]. It involves two companies: one produces goods using a machine that generates log data for maintenance purposes, and the other is a service contractor responsible for maintaining and repairing the machine. The service contractor should only have access to the machine’s log data in case of a machine failure, while access should be denied in other cases. Additionally, there are other components in the network used for storing confidential information, but they are not directly relevant to the machine’s operation.

Architectural Model


repository model Overview of the repository

The repository model contains 4 components and 3 interfaces. The TerminalComponent represents the terminal for the technician to access the machine. This access is managed through the access service. The MachineComponent represents the machine, providing services for storing and accessing log data. The ProductionStorageComponent represents a storage component for log data, and the ProductStorage component stores other confidential data.


system diagram Overview of the Assembly (System)

The system diagram consists of 4 instantiated components. The instantiated Terminal is connected with the Machine, which is connected with the ProductionStorage. The ProductStorage is not directly connected to the other components.


resource environment diagram Overview of the repository

The resource environment consists of 3 hardware devices (StorageServer, TerminalServer, MachineController), connected by the network device ProductionNetwork.


allocation diagram Overview of the allocation

The allocation model stores the deployment of the components on the hardware resources. Importantly, the StorageServer has allocated both storage components.

Access Control

Our model contains an access control policy that grants the Admin access to the TerminalServer and StorageServer. The access service from the TerminalComponent and MachineComponent allows a Technician to access them in a failure state. All services from the ProductionStorageComponent can be accessed by the machine, while all services from the ProductStorageComponent are only accessible by a ProductDeveloper.


Attack Propagation

We added the vulnerability CVE-2021-28374 to the TerminalServer. In our case, the vulnerability leaks the Admin credential and can be exploited from every device. The attacker has the ability to exploit CWE-312, and the starting point of the attacker is the TerminalComponent.


The vulnerability was remapped. In our examples, we still use the old mapping.

Expected Output: The expected output is an attack path from the TerminalComponent to the storage components. The attacker should exploit the vulnerability of the TerminalServer and gain the Admin credential. These credentials should then be used to propagate further. The concrete compromised elements should be:

  • Assembly_TerminalComponent (as starting point)

  • TerminalServer

  • StorageServer

  • Assembly_ProductionStorageComponent

  • Assembly_ProductStorage

Additionally, all the services of the components and the data elements are compromised.